Friday, July 25, 2014


Hi There!

Welcome to my brand-spanking-new blog! I'm oh so happy you're here!

(See how happy I am? It seemed like the time for a shameless selfie.)

First, let me introduce myself. I'm Cass (if you're feeling fancy, Cassandra). I'm just a fun-loving twenty-something in pursuit of finding my style and personality. I decided start a blog documenting my progress in that journey. It's a way to hold myself accountable and to be able to share all of the information that I learn along the way with others like myself.

I plan on talking about a little bit of everything on this blog, but mostly I want to focus on home decor, living a frugal college lifestyle, and a bit of fashion and style. I have a dog, his name is Keystone. He's my best friend and doggy-soulmate. So he's sure to make an appearance at some point. In fact, why wait?

Meet Keystone:

He's 14 now and the best dog that a girl could ask for. He loves to stick his tongue out at me, and when he does, it makes for a FABULOUS picture <3

I also love do a lot of crafting, so be sure to look forward to some tutorials and before-and-afters. Lately I've been refinishing a bunch of furniture to fill my rental house, so I can't wait to share that with all of you. I'm also an avid reader, so I'm pretty sure a few book reviews will pop up here and there as well. I actually happen to be the world's biggest Harry Potter fan (not official in the Guinness Book yet, but I'm working on it) so let me prepare you for some of that as well...

(I'm just going to keep the black and white theme going)

 Basically, be ready for anything and everything. I'm a girl who likes to wear  many different hats and I get bored easily, so I'm going to leave myself pretty open here.

As long as you're willing to listen, I'm willing to write. So come on! Follow me on my journey as I struggle to find myself through a bit of experimentation, trial-and-errors, and who knows what else! Hold on tight, you may be in for a bumpy ride, but I promise you it won't be a boring one. Let's pursue the best possible versions of ourselves together!

Until next time!


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